APPS Letter to the Board: No More Barring Community from Public Meetings

June 27, 2023

Dear President Streater and Members of the Board,

We write to ask that the board end its practice of barring members of the public from attending action meetings.  

In a May 10, 2023 email, we asked why the board, at your April 20 action meeting, had set up only 82 seats in an auditorium with a 240-person capacity.  Members of the public, including APPS member Ilene Poses, were told by security that they could not enter the auditorium because they were not on the speaker list. Security then directed them to seats in the atrium. If people wanted just to watch the meeting, they could have stayed home and watched their own television. They came to attend in person and in many cases to support members of their own organizations who were allowed to speak.

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